Kull 2020
Bilder av disse kullene kan du se på min Facebook side, under album.
Kull 51:
DEW self
Født: 04.01.2020
Far: Keetas Johnny Cash
Mor: Gabbana
DEW self hann - Keetas Ludde
Kull 52:
Dalmatiner/black kull
Født: 04.10.2020
Far: Sågstugans Grinaldo
Mor: Queen Velma of Cavycastle
Black dalmatiner hunn, Keetas Camilla
Engelsk crested black hunn, Keetas Cara
Engelsk crested black hann, Keetas Calvin
Self black hann, Keetas Clyde
Kull 53:
Født: 05.01.2020
Far: NpCH Keetas Entei
Mor: Mustang
DEW hunn, Keetas Agata
Lilac/white roan hunn, Keetas Ayana
Black/white roan hunn, Keetas Anya
DEW hunn, Keetas Aviva
PEW hunn, Keetas Amy
Black roan hann, Keetas Aaron
1 dødfødt
Kull 54:
Black engelsk crested
Født: 06.01.2020
Far: Sågstugans Grinaldo
Mor: NCH Queen Daphne of Cavycastle
Engelsk crested black hann, Keetas Dominique
4 dødfødte
Kull 55:
Født: 13.02.2020
Mor: NpCH Keetas Savannah
Far: BobbyFox of Cavycastle
Lemonagouti hann, Keetas Leon
White/golden/goldenagouti hunn, Keetas Lava
Lemonagouti/white hann, Keetas Lukas
Kull 56:
Født: 07.03.2020
Far: Keetas Mojito
Mor: Novas Nela
Cream california black hann, Keetas Alaska
DEW self hann, Keetas Montana
Cream california chocolate hann, Keetas Texas
Kull 57:
Engelsk crested PEW
Født: 13.03.2020
Mor: Keetas Neon Moon
Far: SCH NUCH Ofixas Capitex
Engelsk crested PEW hunn, Keetas Neon Light
Kull 58:
Self black
Født: 19.03.2020
Mor: Shamrock's Andrine
Far: Kasatka's Tilikum
Self black hunn, Keetas Killer Queen
Self black hann, Keetas Another One Bites The Dust
Kull 59:
Født: 03.04.2020
Mor: Keetas Meera
Far: Keetas Hank Williams
PEW hann, Keetas Snowball
1 dødfødt
Kull 60:
Født: 03.05.2020
Mor: Gabbana
Far: Keetas Johnny Cash
Cream california chocolate hann, Keetas Donkey Kong
Cream california black hunn, Keetas Princess Peach
Cream self hann, Keetas Mario
DEW engelsk crested hann, Keetas Luigi
Kull 61:
Self black
Født: 10.05.2020
Mor: Mary Stuard Ask
Far: Nightrider of Cavycastle
Self black hann, Keetas Rio
Self black hann, Keetas Denver
Self black hunn, Keetas Nairobi
Self black hunn, Keetas Tokyo
Kull 62:
Født: 10.05.2020
Mor: Keetas Jasmin
Far: NpCH Niffers Villads
Orangeargente hann, Keetas Michael Jordan
Orangeagouti hann, Keetas Dennis Rodman
Orangeagouti/white hann, Keetas Scottie Pippen
Kull 63:
Født: 17.05.2020
Far: Baun's Mauritius
Mor: NpCH Keetas Liara
Silveragouti hann, Keetas Buddy
Silveragouti california black hunn, Keetas Susie
Silveragouti hunn, Keetas Lucky
Kull 64:
Født: 19.06.2020
Far: Ofixas Carlos
Mor: Keetas Tinker Bell
DEW hann - Keetas Velociraptor
DEW hann - Keetas Dracorex
DEW hunn - Keetas Maiasaura
DEW california black hann - Keetas Baryonyx
Kull 65:
Født: 14.07.2020
Mor: Queen Velma of Cavycastle
Far: Nightrider of Cavycastle
Grey/golden crested hunn, Keetas Kythira
Self black hann, Keetas Naxos
Self black hunn, Keetas Evvia
Sekf black hann, Keetas Paxi
Engelsk crested grey hann, Keetas Kos
Kull 66:
Født: 19.07.2020
Far: NpCH Keetas Kåre
Mor: Keetas Ruby
Goldenagouti hann, Keetas Chewbacca
Cream roan hann, Keetas Yoda
White/black hunn, Keetas Rey
Golden hann, Keetas Han Solo
Kull 67:
Født: 24.09.2020
Far: NpCH Keetas Entei
Mor: NpCH Pongos Lucy
Zobelagouti/white roan hann, Keetas Moonstone
DEW california black hann, Keetas Valentine
Cream/white california chocolate hunn, Keetas Wapiti
Kull 68:
Engelsk crested PEW
Født: 16.10.2020
Far: SCH NUCH Ofixas Capitex
Mor: Keetas Backwoods Barbie
Eng. crested PEW hann, Keetas White Lightning
Kull 69:
Født: 17.10.2020
Far: NpCH Niffer's Villads
Mor: Shamrock's Andrine
Grey hunn, Keetas Xenia
Grey/golden tan hann, Keetas Zeus
Grey hann, Keetas Poseidon
Kull 70:
Self cream/DEW
Født: 07.11.2020
Far: Keetas Johnny Cash
Mor: Keetas Indian Summer
self cream hunn - Keetas Blueberry Sky
Self cream hunn - Keetas Whiskey In A Teacup
Self DEW hunn - Keetas Sweet Lola
Self cream hann - Keetas Cotton Eyed Joe
Kull 71:
Self cream/PEW
Født: 08.11.2020
Far: Keetas Johnny Cash
Mor: NCH Keetas Dixieland Delight
Self cream hann, Keetas Slow Poke
Self cream hunn, Keetas Jolene
Self PEW hunn, Keetas Chug-A-Lug
Self cream hann, Keetas Applejack
Kull 72:
Født: 20.11.2020
Far: NpCH Niffer's Villads
Mor: NpCH Keetas Sara
White orangeargente hunn, Keetas Nitika
Carob/golden tan hunn, Keetas Naomi
Orangeargente/white hunn, Keetas Nalani
White/golden/grey orangeargente hann, Keetas Nemo
Kull 73:
Engelsk crested/self PEW/DEW
Født: 12.12.2020
Far: Ofixas Carlos
Mor: Keetas Neon Moon
Engelsk crested PEW hunn, Keetas Jambalaya
Self DEW hann, Keetas At The First Fall Of Snow "Fluffy"
Engelsk crested PEW hunn, Keetas Crazy Heart
Kull 74:
Født: 16.12.2020
Far: Keetas Alaska
Mor: Mustang
DEW california black hann, Keetas Pingu
Cream california chocolate hann, Keetas Pluto
DEW california chocolate hann, Keetas Popcorn
Cream california chocolate hunn, Keetas Pippi
DEW california black hann, Keetas Pelle