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Kull 2021

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Kull 75:

California kull

Født: 08.01.2021

Fr: Ofixas Carlos

Mor: Keetas Caribbean Queen

DEW hunn, Keetas Harmony

DEW hunn, Keetas Tiny Dancer

DEW california chocolate hann, Keetas Rocket Man

Kull 76:


Født: 21.01.2021

Far: Keetas Johnny Cash

Mor: NVpet 4 -10 NPCH Keetas Mulan

Cream california chocolate hann, Keetas Lando Calrissian

Cream self hann, Keetas Obi-Wan Kenobi

Kull 77:

Dalmatiner/sort kull

Født: 18.02.2021

Far: Nightrider of Cavycastle

Mor: Keetas Camilla

Var 5 unger, men kun 2 som overlevde

Black dalmatiner hann, Keetas Kamino

Black engelsk crested hunn, Keetas Tatooine

Kull 78:

Self DEW

Født: 25.02.2021

Far: Carmas I Wish You A Happy Day

Mor: Carmas Obsessed

DEW hunn, Keetas Leilah

DEW hunn, Keetas Elvira

DEW hann, Keetas Dallas

Kull 79:


Født: 11.03.2021

Far: Baun's Mauritius

Mor: Keetas Chloe

Zobelagouti hunn, Keetas Jigglypuff

Zobelagouti hann, Keetas Wigglytuff

Kull 80:

Self/crested cream 

Født: 31.05.2021

Far: Keetas Johnny Cash

Mor: Keetas Neon Light

Amerikansk crested cream hann, Keetas Wild And Blue

Self cream hunn, Keetas Wild At Heart

Amerikansk crested cream hunn, Keetas Wildflower

Self cream hann, Keetas Wild West

Kull 81:

Grey self/engelsk crested

Far: Keetas Dominique

Mor: Keetas Nairobi

Self grey hunn, Keetas Samara

Grey/golden hunn, Keetas Kasumi

Engelsk crested grey hann, Keetas Wrex

Kull 82:


Far: Keetas Pinocchio

Mor: Keetas Princess Peach

Lemon hunn, Keetas Banana

Lemon/white hann, Keetas Mango

Cream/white hunn, Keetas Kiwi

Cream/white hunn, Keetas Papaya

Kull 83:


Født: 12.07.2021

Mor: Contacera of cavycastle

Far: Flutide of Cavycastle


Goldenagouti/white roan hunn, Keetas Yuna

Black/white roan hann, Keetas Kenji

Goldenagouti/white roan hann, Keetas Norio

Goldenagouti/golden/white roan hann, Keetas Jin

Kull 84:


Født: 22.07.2021

Far: Keetas Applejack

Mor: NpCH Keetas Susie

Creamagoti/cream hann, Keetas Grinch

PEW hunn, Keetas Charly

Cinnamonagoti/white roan hunn, Keetas Iskra

Zobelagouti/white roan hann, Keetas Golem, "Elvis"

Kull 85:

Engelsk crested DEW 

Født: 28.07.2021

Far: Ofixas Carlos

Mor: Carmas Ask Embla

Engelsk crested DEW hann, Keetas Kenny Rogers

og en dødfødt hunn

Kull 86:

Engelsk crested/self black

Født: 12.09.2021

Far: Keetas Rio

Mor: Queen Velma of Cavycastle

Engelsk crested black hann, Keetas Joker

Black/golden/white hunn, Keetas Oracle

Engelsk crested black hunn, Keetas Catwoman

Kull 87:


Født: 12.09.2021

Far: Keetas Dominique

Mor: Lilja of Cavycastle

Engelsk crested black hunn, Keetas Poison Ivy

Self grey hann, Keetas Robin

Black/golden hann, Keetas Batman

Kull 88:


Født: 24.09.2021

Mor: Keetas Kythira

Far: Keetas Zeus

5 unger, men kun ei som overlevde

Grey pethunn, Keetas Aletheia

Kull 89:


Født: 17.10.2021

Mor: Keetas Caribbean Queen

Far: Keetas Pingu

DEW california chocolate hunn, Keetas Sannah

DEW california chocolate hunn, Keetas Sol

DEW california chocolate hunn, Keetas Sunniva

DEW california chocolate hunn, Keetas Stella

Kull 90:


Født: 15.11.2021

Mor: POY2-21 NVpet4 -21 NpCH Keetas Mulan

Far: Keetas Applejack

DEW california chocolate hann, Keetas Boom Boom

DEW california chocolate hann, Keetas Guapo

Cream california chocolate hann, Keetas Chorizo

Kull 91:

Self cream

Født: 19.12.2021

Mor: Carmas Obsessed

Far: Capitex Lord

Cream self hunn, Keetas Tiera

Cream self hann, Keetas Willie Nelson

Cream self hann, Keetas Dean Brody

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